
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

♥ Allah Care About You: Nouman Ali Khan

Allah says: الرحمان… You know what that means? You cannot be more Merciful than that. That is the nth, the most extreme, unlimited form of Mercy, extreme Mercy beyond imagination. The other thing that comes from the language of this word الرحمان because it’s a المبالغة صيغة (an exaggeration figure of speech) is that is happening right now.

          It’s one thing to say Allah cares… It’s one thing to say Allah is loving… It’s one thing to say Allah protects… but it’s another to say Allah is protecting me, when? Right now! He is caring about me right now. He is concerned with me right now. He is delicate with my situation right now. That is the realization inside الرحمان. It forces me to think and it forces you to think, how is Allah showing me Love right now.

          Immediately, not tomorrow, not later… Everyone of us has problems, everyone of us… maybe you have family problems, maybe you have husband problems, maybe you have wife problems, maybe you have children problems, parent problems, government problems, immigration roblems, economic… you got problems… and we think about problems all the time, and we don’t think about الرحمان all the time. We only think about the problems… we don’t think how many problems Allah saved us from. Somebody gets allergies and they complain about their allergies, but they don’t think the nose is still on my face.

          That’s Allah taking care of you my friend, it could be so much worse. There is so much worse that could happen. When a child is born, how many things can go wrong? For those of us that have healthy children, we complain about the grades of our children… they don’t pay attention in school… they don’t do their homework on time… parents complain and complain and complain. If you say: what do you say about your child? And they will give you a list of complains, you know? He doesn’t go to sleep on time, talk bad, doesn’t finish dinner, watches too much TV, videogames all the time, you know?

This is a long list, but you know what? If you ever talk to parents who lost a child… you know what they say about their child? They never say he never did his homework, he was always late to school, he always ate too little, he always watching TV… they say my child was perfect. He was so perfect, he was the best, and they only remember the good things. Why is that? A day before you complaining, you were yelling at him… because that’s human nature. We don’t appreciate the things that we have until they’re gone. When they’re gone we remember.

Now, right now we’re not thinking Allah. We’re not realizing how much love he is showing us by protecting our children, by taking care of our family, by giving us our parents… yes, your parents get angry at you. It’s okay, it’s a global phenomenon that are teenage boys your father gets mad at you. It’s going to happen; he’s going to yell at you… “my dad, he does not understand me, he doesn’t know what? الحمد لله he’s alive…  الحمد لله you have an opportunity to show (patience) to him and respect to him, so you can earn Jannah with Allah.
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If you want to know if you’re humble or not, see how you are to your parents. If you have an attitude with your parents, don’t think about Islam. You’re not ready for what Islam demands for your personality. Allah wants us to be humble, but humble does not mean you make salah like perfect believer but you show attitude to your father and your mother. Come on! That’s not humility you know?

تلك الدار الآخرة نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علوا في الأرض ولا فسادا

‘The last name is built for people…’, Allah says ‘we made the last home’ for people Jannah for people who don’t want to act up in this world. They don’t act like this in this world. They don’t show attitude, we have to learn to be humble to our parents, even if you think they’re unfair. That’s part of appreciating the Mercy  and the Love of Allah عزوجل in our lives.

That is something that one should think about every day. Just stop at الرحمان. Just stop and just think, what does that mean? What is Allah doing for me? You know the fact that for example, it was a dream in my life I wanted to come to Malaysia, I wanted to see the Muslims in Malaysia, الحمد لله I’m so happy. I can’t thank Allah enough for this opportunity, and just if you reflect about this. I’m on the other side of the planet from where I live, you know?

Talking to you folks, سبحان الله, how does this happen? This does not happen except by the Mercy (Rahmah) of Allah. How many things can go wrong on an airplane that’s flying over the oceans? How many things? You see a little bit of turbulence and Taqwa goes up right? The plain goes down, and the Iman goes up. سبحان الله, that’s care, he cares, and he cares about everyone of us like that. Sometimes people get depressed, Allah doesn’t care about me. Why do I have all these problems? You haven’t thought about الرحمان enough. You haven’t thought about that enough. You don’t have to wait for His care to come, it’s already there… It’s already there.

Monday, February 2, 2015

WasSalam @_____@~ Fi Ri'ayatiLLah..